2nd Workshop “China’s Pesticide and Fertilizer Regulatory Registration Strategy and Market Analysis” Ends on a High Note in Barcelona

Sep. 12th, 2019

Special mention to our Media Partners in the Spanish Market:

AEFA  Spanish Agricultural Nutrients Manufacturers Association

AEFA is a non-profit association made up of agricultural nutrients manufacturers of the Spanish market. AEFA’s mission is to enhance development and expansion of the agricultural estate.

Website: https://aefa-agronutrientes.org/english/

COIAL Official Association of Agricultural Engineers of Levante

COIAL, as a private organizatio, gathers all agricultural engineers in the region of Levante, ensuring their legal representation, offering professional development tools and promotion to further their work to benefit society at large.

Website: https://www.coial.org/

September 12, 2019. This past September 9, 2019, REACH24H successfully held the 2nd Europe Workshop on “China’s Pesticide and Fertilizer Regulatory Registration Strategy and Market Analysis” in Barcelona, a day event attended by 27 European enterprise representatives.

In recent years, with the deepening of trade cooperation between China and Europe, more and more European enterprises have been searching for strategies to enter China’s pesticides and fertilizers market. Nevertheless, accessing a market such as China, despite its growth in terms of conforming with more international standards, still poses many compliance challenges. At this workshop, Dr. Chasel Huang (Technical Supervisor from REACH24H), Mr. Bella Tu (Business Supervisor and Ms. Salee Liu (Senior Regulatory Specialist from REACH24H) made a detailed analysis on the registration and market situation of pesticides and fertilizers in China, and gave scientific and reasonable suggestions for European pesticide and fertilizer enterprises to enter the Chinese market.

During the meeting, through the interpretation of the latest Chinese pesticide regulations and risk assessment, Dr. Huang gave a thorough introduction to the regulations currently in force and the latest changes to be considered in regards to China’s pesticide registration.

Dr. Huang

Ms. Tu, as Commercial Director of REACH24H, has rich experience in providing customized registration and compliance services to hundreds of fertilizer enterprises around the world and successfully overcoming commercial and trade barriers. In this workshop, Ms. Tu explained in detail the technical requirements and points to consider as to market data analysis for fertilizer registration in China, a specific presentation that led to many follow-up questions and interest by all attendees.


Ms. Liu pointed out during the market analysis report section that China’s pesticides began to show a gradual slower growth after experiencing the slow-down of China’s pesticide production. In addition, the lower supply of products vis-à-vis the demand has led to a hike up in the price of pesticide products. The Chinese government actively encourages the production and registration of biological pesticides following its latest revision. This updated legislation serves as guide in the future of the pesticide market and the upgrading of pesticide products. Therefore, European biological pesticide enterprises are highly encouraged to try this Asian market.

Ms. Liu and Dr. Huang

After the workshop, a discussion panel and networking gathering took place between the representatives of enterprises and speakers. Many participants focused on difficulties encountered in the process of actual market trade, which led to a lengthy discussion with many participants that shared similar concerns and experiences, later these being addressed by the speakers. The event ended thus on a positive note, with most participants expressing more comfort with the regulations and overall understanding of the Chinese market and its opportunities, paving the way for further exchanges –and why not, visit to Spain– in the near future.

The Agrochemicals Division wished to send a special and warm thank you to our Media Partners, AEFA and COIAL who supported this event and contributed to its success and professional participation.

For any questions regarding any of the topics discussed during the workshop, please feel free to contact Bella Tu at (+86) 0571-87006630 or directly via email at
