ECHA 2012 CMR Report: Substances registered under REACH & Notified under CLP

Jun. 05th, 2012

A raw data analysis has been conducted on more than 25 000 registration dossiers and three and a half million CLP notification records that have been matched with the EC and CAS number of around 1100 individually identified CMR substances listed in Annex VI of the CLP Regulation. This provisional comparison reveals that 60 percent of the substances have either been registered under the REACH Regulation or notified to the C&L Inventory under the CLP Regulation. For approximately 40 percent of the substances, no match could be found. There are a variety of potential reasons for the 40 percent of CMRs without a match. For example, some substances on Annex VI are very rare and unlikely to be on the market. Others have been substituted by less hazardous substances.

ECHA considers that this screening does not provide a full picture of the CMRs that are used in the EU. The Agency is planning to further analyse some information gaps highlighted by this report. The new analysis will focus on those substances that industry has self-classified as CMRs but which nevertheless have not been included on Annex VI to the CLP Regulation.