40 Substances’ Evaluation Draft Decisions will be sent by ECHA

Apr. 23rd, 2015

On 30 Mar 2015, ECHA announced that it will soon send the 2014 Community Rolling Action Plan (CoRAP) draft decisions to registrants.

In 2014, 51 registered substances have been evaluated by the Member States. The deadline for submission to ECHA was 26 Mar 2015, and ECHA has now received draft decisions on 40 substances, and relevant registrants will get the draft decisions on 4-8 May 2015. Registrants of these substances will have 30 days to consider and submit their comments. A notification letter will specify the deadline for commenting.

Among the 40 substances, registrants of one substance (EC 229-782-3) received the draft decision for comments already in 2014. The rest 39 substances with draft decisions can be found online.

The remaining 11 substances do not need consultation with the registrants. For these, the evaluating Member State has been asked to submit a conclusion document within four months from the end of the evaluation period, and the documents will be published on ECHA’s website.

Source: Registrants should get ready to comment on substance evaluation draft decisions