2015 Global Regulatory Highlights – EU REACH

Jan. 13th, 2016

With the deepening of market globalization, trade barrier inevitably becomes a common phenomenon. In the chemical industry, the EU REACH regulation has long been perceived by many as a kind of technical trade barrier. Companies have learned a lot in their efforts for completing registration within the previous two grace periods for substances at tonnage band of over 1000 t/a or 100-1000 t/a. As the last deadline of 31 May, 2018 for REACH registration comes close, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has taken several steps to facilitate joint registration before 2018. On the one hand, relevant provisions and data requirements have been updated. On the other hand, enforcement actions have been taken by ECHA to secure compliance in REACH registration, OR obligation, eSDS and risk management measures etc.

At such a time of bidding farewell to the past while ushering in the new, REACH24H Consulting Group helps you connect the dots and grasp the highlights, well positioned to facilitate a comprehensive understanding of key developments of EU REACH in 2015.

As a far-reaching regulation, EU REACH replaced the previous multiple regulations, reduced conflicts between regulations in different countries and decreased compliance costs by companies. At the same time, the REACH regulation requires all roles in the supply chain to shoulder their due responsibilities to secure the safe use of chemical substances to protect human and environmental health. As the 2018 REACH registration deadline is just around the corner, REACH24H Consulting Group suggest that companies should follow closely important updates by ECHA and get well prepared.

Further Readings:

2015 Global Regulatory Highlights – Global GHS

2015 Global Regulatory Highlights – China Chemical Regulations

2015 Global Regulatory Highlights – South Korea Chemical Regulations

2015 Global Regulatory Highlights – Taiwan Chemical Regulations

2015 Global Regulatory Highlights – Japan Chemical Regulations

The year of 2015 saw a series of major regulatory changes, bringing both challenges and opportunities to the chemical industry. To tease out the key updates in Asia Pacific’s regulatory regime throughout the past year, ChemLinked has dedicated to prepare you an annual report “2015 Chemical Regulatory Review of the Asia Pacific Region”.