REACH24H Moments in CIIE – Contributing to Enhanced Trade

Nov. 18th, 2019

On the past November 5-10, the world once again turned to the Shanghai National Convention and Exhibition Center. Over 3,000 enterprises from more than150 countries gathered for the 2nd CIIE, China International Import Exhibition. During the event, REACH24H was invited to the Consulates of Philippines, Costa Rica, Poland and Canada to deliver the latest regulatory and market insight.

With the economic structure shifting toward optimization, consumer demand has also diversified. REACH24H analyzed the increasing need for innovation, paying close attention to packaging, and ensuring taste coincides with taste preferences.

1. Working with Philiphines

Based on China’s strong demand for tropical fruits, the Philippines has seen its sales doubled this year, reaching approximately $300 million, three times the volume registered last year.

On November 3, in the pre-opening of the Expo, thanks to the invitation from the Consulate General of the Philippines, REACH24H delivered two presentations on the China Food market and regulatory policies to help enterprises and members of delegations better understand the changing China food import market.

With the economic structure shifting toward optimization, consumer demand has also diversified. REACH24H analyzed the increasing need for innovation, paying close attention to packaging, and ensuring taste coincides with taste preferences.

2.  Cooperating with Costa Rica

The demand for compliance services differ according to the products and entities actual level of understanding of the China market. Most of Costa Rica’s enterprises are new to this market, making compliance a top priority to evaluate and consider strategies to expand domestic business into the Asian giant.

On November 5th, at the request of Costa Rica PROCOMER, REACH24H jointly organized a trade platform to discuss exclusive solutions for Costa Rica companies to break through regulatory trade barriers. During this multi-party talk, most questions centered on how to find China’s domestic partners, import procedures and overall quality requirements.

3. Contributing to Poland’s Cosmetic Trade

Since the establishment of diplomatic relations 70 years ago, Poland and China have maintained longstanding friendly ties. It is these positive exchanges which can bring more and better tangible results in the area of politics, business, culture and more opportunities for cooperation.

Poland is currently seeking to access the Chinese market with its high-quality food products and luxury goods, all of which have so far enjoyed a positive response by Chinses consumers.

On November 6th, invited by the Polish Investment and Trade Bureau, REACH24H attended the Polish Enterprise Matchmaking Conference to provide consultation services on China’s domestic food and cosmetics industries.

For hot topic of animal testing for cosmetic products, which is expected to become exempted later on according to the “Administrative Measures for the Recording of Non-Special Purpose Cosmetics (draft version)”, REACH24H underlined the need for companies to prepare for the China market well in advance for and when this regulation comes into effect.

4. Looking to Strengthening Ties with Canada

Globalization has brought a more open and closely connected international market to enterprises. At the same time, countries around the world have been strengthening compliance supervision through legislation and international cooperation.

In June this year, China suspended all Canadian meat imports due to the discovery of loopholes in the health certificate system operated for Canadian meat products imports to China. This incident and its severe effects on trade are a strong reminder of the importance of trade regulations.

Despite the impact of the four-month ban, Canadian companies remain enthusiastic about the Chinese market. On November 11th, the first day after the opening of CIIE, the Canadian Food And Agricultural Enterprise Trade Fair hosted by Canadian Consulate and Canadian Ministry of Agriculture was held in Shanghai. About 50 Canadian enterprises and hundreds of representatives of domestic distribution and trade companies were able to enjoy in-depth exchanges, with REACH24H invited to further enhance corporate awareness. According to the market demands of enterprises, REACH24H delivered a systematic analysis of product labels, cross-border e-commerce policy as a trade priority and health food registration. The speakers made sure to highlight the need for enterprises to pay attention to regulatory requirements, even for cross-border e-commerce trade.

Keep Moving

With the continuous spillover of the “CIIE effect”, the cooperation initiated is also moving forward to depth and breadth. To contribute the links between the Chinese market and overseas products, REACH24H will keep moving.