REACH24H and Youngs Co-organizes a Training Session for LG China

Apr. 20th, 2013

From April 18 to 19, REACH24H and its partner Young & Global Partners (i.e. Youngs) co-organized a training session for EHS managers from LG China. The session not only introduced Youngs’ most popular  “Global EHS Lex Database”, but also addressed the current regulatory landscape in China that EHS managers need to know.

Regulatory Experts from REACH24H, Julian Zhu and Bob White brought in to the session their in-depth readings on China’s hazardous chemical management regulation and development of China’s environment. The two-day session attracted dozens of EHS managers from LG China, and was paid a  high compliment.

Chemical Regulatory Landscape in China

Currently, more and more foreign chemical companies are setting or have already established branches in China mainland. The surge of foreign investment give rise to their growing concerns in dealing with China’s chemical regulations , which are of great significance in recent years. The issue would mainly root in comprehensive understanding of China’s regulatory landscape and competent authorities in accordance with requirements and obligations companies.  As a wide range of regulations are co-existing in China, governmental agencies which serve as law enforcement authorities vary drastically. Take hazardous chemical management regulation as an example, there would be about 10 relevant  authorities  involved in the enforcement activities. However, this confuses foreign companies who have been accustomed to their chemical regulatory compliance activities. Solutions that require earlier preparation and professional skills would largely reduce energy and cost on this affair.

About REACH24H

REACH24H has been serving companies from around the world the regulatory consultancy service for years. Our professional team of regulatory experts consist of veterans such as Julian Zhu and Bob White (who is also a Diplomate of Certified Toxicologist in China) and seasoned regulatory affair consultants such as Nathan Chen and Helen Ye who have extensive experiences in introducing China chemical regulatory affairs to the world. It is also worth mentioning that, to further enhance our knowledge in regulatory affairs we have formed wide-ranging co-operations with our counterparts around world, such as the WERCS, ChemADVISOR and, of-course, Young & Global Partners with a view to boost our expertise in the field.