Introduction of the three basic functionalities of LOLI Desktop

Feb. 25th, 2013

The three basic functionalities

LOLI Lists (Pic.2)

LOLI Lists (Pic.2)

LOLI Lists includes 4534 listings. Each quarter, ChemADVISOR will add to or delete the listing according to the latest information released in countries concerned, in order to ensure users to get to the latest information. At each head of listing contains listing information, abstract, document information, which manage to briefly introduce certain regulation. For previous information may be checked in status of update. Taking “China’s List of Dangerous Goods” for example (Pic.3)

LOLI Lists


The regulatory experts will maintain LOLI Lists quarterly, which is to ensure the LOLI database to be timely updated and be consistent with currently valid regulation. To make sure the accuracy of the information taken in, every year they will do one proofread of LOLI Lists either.


LOL Find CAS allows at most 4 inputs of search condition. It enables user to conduct search on chemical name, CAS No., UN No. or EC No. etc. and is compatible with multiple search logics. Taking methanol (CAS: 67-56-1) for example, the search result shows methanol is included Canada NDSL and EEC ELINCS listing (Pic.4).



As it is known to us all, there are some regulations dictate not to certain substance but to substance category. According to displayed link, users may find information of substance category. Via search on regulations involved the substance category, users may find more regulatory criterions regarding the targeted substance. (Pic.5)

LOLI find CAS (Pic.5)

In addition, users may also choose to input CAS No. in LOLI Query to search corresponding LOLI lists that carries the targeted substance and thereby to get to related regulatory information.

LOLI Query (Pic.6)

LOLI query (Pic.6)

LOLI Query enables user to search by one specific CAS No. The functionality also allows search with“filtering” which is designed in accordance with regional, listing type information etc. For example, the following picture shows the result of GHS classification list of Zinc (CAS:7440-66-6) after filtering in terms of GHS classification. (Pic.7)

LOLI query (Pic.7)

If you want more information about LOLI Desktop, welcome to LOLI Database Free Webinar hosted by REACH24H.

English Webinar: 2:00pm-3:00pm (GMT+8) March 7th 2013 /Hangzhou/China

Chinese Webinar: 2:00pm-3:00pm (GMT+8) March 14th 2013 /Hangzhou/China