ECHA alerts compliance on label and SDS

Dec. 21st, 2012

According to CLP regulation, coming into effect since January 20th 2009, all chemical substances and preparation find no way of entering into EU market until they are re-classified, labeled, packaged and notified to correspond with its certain requirements.

There are two noteworthy dates in CLP regulation:

(1) December 1, 2010, by when the execution of classification, labeling and packaging of substance was mandated, replacing the then adopted and implemented Directive 67/548/EEC (i.e. Directive DSD) on management of classification and labeling of substance;

(2) June 1, 2015, by when the execution of classification, labeling and packaging of preparation (mixture) will be mandated, replacing the current adopted and implemented Directive 1999/45/EEC (i.e. DPD) on management of classification and labeling of preparation (mixture).

It is also worth mentioning that, according to the Article 61 of CLP regulation, substances may enjoy 2 years grace period, if they have been classified and labeled in accordance with Directive DSD, and entered into EU market. In another word, not until December 1, 2012, must they classify, label and package according to the current CLP regulation. That is to say, by this time’s notification, ECHA has reminded companies in relation with hazardous chemical substances must ensure their labeling and SDS, since December 1 of 2012, thoroughly conform to the CLP requirements.