CAS Number Application

Mar. 25th, 2014

The CAS Registry database is the most authoritative collection of chemical substance information, containing more than 56 million organic and inorganic substances. CAS Registry covers substances identified from the scientific literature from 1957 to the present, with additional substances going back to the early 1900s.
CAS Registry Number (CASRN) is a Registered Trademark of the American Chemical Society (ACS), which is a congressionally chartered independent membership organization that represents professionals at all degree levels and in all fields of chemistry and sciences that involve chemistry, and the gold standard for substance information worldwide.
With the development of the times, many manufactures focus on advance scientific research worldwide and continue to develop completely new substance. How to identify these substances and get these substances accepted by others, applying CAS Registry Number would be a best choice.

Our Services Include:
>>Assist clients in gathering chemical substance identity information;
>>Assist clients to confirm accuracy of substance information;
>>Submission of registry application for clients;
>>Assist clients in communicating with the authority;
>>Assist clients following the result.

About REACH24H
REACH24H Group provides product stewardship & regulatory compliance service for global customers from its three offices – Ireland, Canada and China, assisting international companies to comply with global chemical regulations including the EU REACH, China new chemical substance notification, Global GHS, USA TSCA, etc. REACH24H in-house team consists of global-regulatory experts, toxicologists, environmental risk assessors, chemical engineers and IT software development engineers to provide cost-effective access to the marketplace for the clients. REACH24H Consulting Group is also the sub-company of Centre Testing International Corporation (CTI) , a publicly traded company on the Chinese Stock Exchange(300012.SZ). CTI is China’s leading product testing, inspection, certification, and consulting firm, providing comprehensive services for virtually all consumer products. For more information on REACH24H, please Contact us or visit About us.