South Korea Clarifies Submission Deadlines for 5 Types of Existing Active Biocidal Substance

Sep. 08th, 2021

On September 6, 2021, the South Korean online chemical management system CHEMP disclosed the latest instruction from the Environmental Ministry, clarifying the formality deadline for 5 types of existing biocidal active substances which need to be approved by December 31, 2022, including disinfectants, algaecides, rodenticides, insecticides, and repellents.

Relative importers and manufacturers need to submit the notification application and application plan by September 30, 2021, and the whole dossier for substance approval by October 31, 2021.

Considering of the process of the whole registration, at least 18 months will be required for the completeness check, technical assessment, and other formalities and implicit description on the final deadline causing a relatively slow response from the industry.

The document stressed that the online submission system will be suspended and any papery submission shall not be accepted.

For those importers and manufacturers who failed to submit the dossier before the deadline, MoE will cancel the grace period of the substances, and importing and manufacturing activity will be terminated immediately.

For those who failed to submit notification application or application plan, but continue importing or manufacturing biocidal active substances, MoE will impose administrative penalties;

Reference Link:Chemlinked