Promoting Fragrance Safety and Sustainability: REACH24H Bridges Collaborations Between IFRA, RIFM, and KCII

Apr. 06th, 2023

BARCELONA, 6 April 2023 – From March 28th to 29th, 2023, the Korean Cosmetic Industry Institute (KCII) met separately with the Research Institute for Fragrance Materials (RIFM) and the International Fragrance Association (IFRA) in Barcelona, Spain. The purpose of these meetings was to discuss and enhance collaboration for fragrance safety assessment and regulatory information. The initiative was led and moderated by REACH24H, with a crucial role played by REACH24H Korea in facilitating strategic cooperation among the three parties.

Emerging Importance of Cosmetic Fragrance Safety

In recent years, various countries and organizations have implemented stricter regulations and guidelines to protect consumer health and safety and reduce the impact of fragrance ingredients on the environment.

For instance, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) proposed in 2022 to restrict the use of many fragrance allergens in consumer articles, including cosmetic products, due to the potential risk to human health. The European Commission (EC) also identified over 80 fragrance allergens with an “obligation to label” for immune system protection in September 2022.

In light of that, it is clear that the global cosmetic industry is under increased pressure to provide safer and more sustainable products for consumers.

IFRA & RIFM: Leading Organizations in the Fragrance Industry


IFRA and RIFM are two leading organizations in the fragrance industry. IFRA represents the interests and is the voice of the fragrance industry worldwide. By engaging in stakeholder dialogue on a global scale, it advocates for the safety and advantages of the fragrance industry’s products.

IFRA works closely with RIFM, which is responsible for safety assessment programs. When warranted by concerns regarding the safe use of a specific ingredient, RIFM will provide recommendations, and IFRA will issue an IFRA Standard as part of an IFRA Amendment to address the issue.

REACH24H Korea proactively builds bridges between relevant parties to promote safety and compliance within the fragrance and cosmetics industry. As a trusted partner with extensive international relationships and compliance experience, REACH24H Korea serves as a moderator to facilitate communication and cooperation.

RIFM-KCII Meeting: Collaborating for Fragrance Safety

REACH24H Korea General Manager Mike Sohn (the first from right), with officials from RIFM and KCII

On March 28, 2023, the RIFM-KCII meeting brought together key stakeholders from both organizations to share global scientific research. The parties discussed potential collaboration opportunities and agreed to exchange safety data on cosmetics and ingredients, as well as to collaborate on relevant training courses. An official and detailed collaboration announcement is expected in the near future.

MOU Signing Ceremony: IFRA and KCII Commit to Collaboration

At the MOU signing ceremony on March 29, 2023, REACH24H Korea played an important role in promoting communication between IFRA and KCII. Both parties committed to collaborating on a range of initiatives, including webinars, seminars, and training programs. IFRA and KCII will exchange fragrance safety assessment and regulatory information, supporting each other’s research and regulation efforts. These collaborations highlight a shared commitment to promoting the safety and sustainability of the fragrance industry through scientific research and cooperation.

IFRA President Martina Bianchini and KCII President Dr. Jaeran Lee Signing MOU

Previously, IFRA and RIFM cooperated to hold a co-webinar with KCII for cosmetic and cosmetic fragrance safety in December 2022, again under REACH24H Korea’s moderation. The 51st Amendment of IFRA Standards was publicized and introduced in the webinar.

Overall, the collaborations between IFRA, RIFM, KCII, and REACH24H Korea demonstrate a shared commitment to promoting the safety and sustainability of the fragrance industry through scientific research and collaboration. REACH24H Korea’s extensive experience in regulatory consulting services and its commitment to safety and compliance in the fragrance and cosmetics industry makes it a trusted partner for all stakeholders involved.

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