REACH24H Facilitates MOU Signing for KCII and RIFM’s Fragrance Safety Research Collaboration in Korea and Internationally

May. 24th, 2023

SEOUL, May 24, 2023 – The Korea Cosmetic Industry Institute (KCII) and the Research Institute for Fragrance Materials, Inc. (RIFM) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) aimed at promoting fragrance safety and regulatory compliance. The MOU outlines the conditions for collaboration and data exchange between the two organizations in order to facilitate future scientific work related to fragrance ingredients and essential oils for human health and environmental safety, including cosmetics products and ingredients.

RIFM Signing MOU with KCII, Seongmin (Mike) Sohn (the first from left) as the Moderator

The signing ceremony was moderated by Seongmin (Mike) Sohn from REACH24H Korea, and the MOU is seen as a significant step towards fostering closer ties between Korean and international organizations in the field of cosmetics and fragrance safety.

Under the MOU, RIFM, and KCII will work collaboratively to identify potential synergies, avoid redundant work, accelerate the speed of their respective research programs, and leverage learning from each other’s materials evaluation programs. The specific work to be conducted will be defined in separately executed Letters of Agreement (LoA) which will be incorporated into and made a part of the MOU.

To facilitate collaborative work, RIFM will provide designated KCII personnel access to the RIFM Database for use only within the objectives of projects outlined in an LoA and in accordance with the terms and conditions governing the use of the RIFM Database.

Both parties will keep strictly confidential and not disclose to third parties any information received from the other party under this MOU. Any results jointly generated by KCII and RIFM through joint data analysis or joint publication pursuant to this MOU shall be jointly owned by KCII and RIFM.

The MOU will be in force for a duration of three years, and both parties will cooperate with one or more annual webinars, seminars, or workshops on mutual interest topics. The signing of this MOU is expected to lead to further collaborations and partnerships between Korean and international organizations in the future, promoting the safe and responsible use of fragrances in the global marketplace.

As a moderator of the signing ceremony, REACH24H Korea played a crucial role in facilitating the collaboration between KCII and RIFM. At REACH24H, we are proud to have contributed to this important agreement and remain committed to promoting sustainable and safe practices in the cosmetics industry. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you navigate the complex regulatory landscape in Korea and beyond, and take the first step towards a more sustainable future.

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