Pesticide Registration: China Rejects Pesticide Product Registration for Efficacy Issues

Sep. 02nd, 2022

When companies register pesticide products, China’s Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) always focuses on reviewing the safety and effectiveness of the product. If the product to be registered is inactive or has poor control effect on the target organisms, China’s MoA may reject the registration.

Here are some signs of China’s Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) increasingly valuing pesticide efficacy.

Registration Renewal of Thifluzamide Controlling Rice False Smut and Rice Blast is Disapproved

According to the approval results of pesticide registration renewal in June and August 2022, the registration renewal of thifluzamide for rice false smut and rice blast is no longer approved for existing products, for it is less active and less effective against these two diseases.

Thifluzamide is categorized as thiazole carboxamides fungicides that inhibit the synthesis of succinate dehydrogenase in the tricarboxylic acid cycle of fungi. It prevents and controls various plant diseases, especially those caused by Rhizoctonia fungi, and it is also systemic and conductive. At present, the application scope of thifluzamide registered products in China includes rice sheath blight disease, wheat rust, peanut southern blight, potato Rhizoctonia rot and so on.

china pesticide efficacy

Application Scopes of Granular Pesticides Suggested to Shrink by NPRRC

Recently, the National Pesticide Registration Review Committee (NPRRC) has discussed issues related to the registration of granules. Because applying granular pesticides to the soil requires a large amount of pesticide, and it is not so well-targeted to prevent and control crop diseases and pests on the ground. Applying granular pesticides consequently does not meet the requirements for pesticide reduction and efficiency enhancement. That’s why it is suggested in the meeting that granular pesticides applied with soil for the control of above-ground pests and diseases should not be approved in principle, except for the control of soil-borne diseases or underground pests.

Application Scopes of Metalaxyl-M Limited to Target Diseases

On April 27, 2020, China’s MoA issued Announcement No.275, and will no longer accept or approve the registration application of metalaxyl-M mixed preparation only target on rice bakanae disease or rice seedling blight. For products already registered in this category, the applicants could apply for expanding the application scope according to biological spectrum of metalaxyl-M  (i.e., rice-related diseases caused by Pythium or Achlya).

The announcement is made mainly based on the biological activity and biological spectrum of metalaxyl-M. Metalaxyl-M is a phenyl amides compound. It kills the pathogen by inhibiting the growth of hyphae and affecting the biosynthesis of pathogen RNA. Metalaxyl-M is mainly effective against diseases caused by Pythium and Achlya.

Compliance Tips

With the above policies and approval results of China’s MoA, it appears that the government is strictly focusing on reviewing the effectiveness of pesticides on target organisms. REACH24H suggests that enterprises should confirm the active substance’s mode of action, mechanism of action and biological spectrum before registration. To avoid the official rejection of the pesticide registration due to efficacy problems, indoor biological activity tests should be carried out in advance, and figuring out the control effect of the active substance on target organisms is essential.

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If you have any questions on pesticide registration in China, please feel free to contact us.

Tel: +86-571-87006630
