Vietnam Revises Rules on Implementation of Law on Chemicals

Jan. 13th, 2023

The revised Decree will clarify hazard classification and introduce 10 chemicals, 6 industrial precursors and 6 POPs for different obligations.

On October 18, 2022, Vietnam’s Government issued Decree 82/2022/ND-CP to introduce amendments to the existing Decree 113/2017/ND-CP, one of many decrees supporting the implementation of the Law on Chemicals. The new Decree is set to take effect on December 22, 2022.

According to Article 23 of Decree 113/2017/ND-CP, chemicals shall be classified according to rules and technical guidance of UN GHS from Rev.2 (2007) onwards. However, the building blocks provided in this Article are inconsistent with GHS Rev.2. To address the industry’s confusion, Article 23 is amended to provide a table of building blocks in line with GHS Rev.2 as the basis and to clearly indicate that the building blocks from UN GHS Rev.2 onwards can be adopted for chemical classification. In Article 24, the concentration limit for a hazard class-skin/respiratory sensitization was revised from 0.1% to 1.0%.

In addition, several changes have been made to substance lists regulated under the Decree.

  1. Add 10 chemicals and 6 industrial precursors to the List of Conditional Chemicals in the Industrial Field (Annex I)
  2. Add 6 POPs to the List of Restricted Chemicals in the Industrial Field (Annex II) and the List of Chemicals Subject to Compulsory Declaration (Annex V)
  3. Revise one item in the List of Chemicals Subject to Developing an Incident Prevention and Response Plan (Annex IV), from Mercury fulminate to Mercury and its compounds.

[Read the list of substances and specific information at ChemLinked]

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