Partners and Memberships

Mar. 27th, 2014

As a technical group focused on delivering the most updated and relevant consulting services and bridging regulatory gaps, REACH24H has partnered with businesses and organizations from around the globe to ensure the best quality of services. Our partners include government authorities, industry associations, and other chemical regulatory providers. We maintain regular communications with government agencies to keep information channels open for the benefit of our clients, and have built close relationship with various industries through active memberships.  By cooperating with other chemical regulatory providers from China and around the globe, we are able to continuously be up to date on the latest developments and actively have a voice to ensure the best support to our clients.

Government Authorities and Partnerships

NRCC — Authority of China Hazardous Chemicals and China GHS

Since May 2011, back when REACH24H jointly held seminar with NRCC to introduce the hazardous chemical management measures in China as well as China GHS, NRCC has collaborated with REACH24H on various workshops and events, authorizing REACH24H as an agency for its ‘emergency call’ service.

Independent Cosmetic Manufacturers and Distributors (ICMAD)
– DFT is Thailand’s supervision department for foreign trade. In July and December 2010, senior officers from DFT were invited to attend REACH24H’s annual workshop and gave presentations. REACH24H has maintained a regular contact with DFT.

OECC (Japan) — Promoting International Cooperation
–In 2011, REACH24H invited senior officer to attend our workshop and gave presentation. Ever since our cooperation began, REACH24H has been delivering the up-to-date chemical regulatory trends to OECC. REACH24H maintains close contact with OECC for collecting information and assisting intelligence analysis for the latter.

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of People’s Republican of China
–In November 2012, senior officer was invited to attend REACH24H’s branded annual workshop and gave presentation. REACH24H maintains regular connection with MIIT for the latest regulation development of policy making.

Dalian Transportation of Dangerous Goods Research Center
–In November 2012, senior experts from Dalian Transportation of Dangerous Goods Research Center attended REACH24H’s annual workshop and gave presentation. In the year 2012 alone, the experts both from REACH24H and Dalian Dangerous Goods Research kept frequent communication and discussion with each other for on technical details regarding China GHS.

Industry Associations

China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation
–For three years from 2009 to 2011, REACH24H and CPCIF jointly hosted workshops under various topics. REACH24H and CPCIF have been consistent with in-depth reading of China GHS for years. We are making effort to better serve chemical-petroleum companies and others in relevant industries to handle regulatory responsibilities.

American Chemistry Council
–Since 2011, experts from REACH24H have attended the workshop hosted by GlobaChem as ACC invited, and given presentations addressing China Chemical New Substance Notification (China Reach) and China GHS as well as certain strategy in face of them. REACH24H and ACC have hosted joint workshop that attracts its enrolled member companies to attend in thousands.

Italian Federation of Chemical Industry Association
— REACH24H and Federchemica has established comprehensive cooperation in joint workshop. Since our cooperation began, REACH24H has been continuously assisting the enrolled member companies under Federchemica to better understand the China chemical regulations, such as China Reach, China GHS, etc.

Singapore Chemical Industry Council
–Since 2010, REACH24H was couple of times invited to give presentations to enrolled member companies under SCIC, illustrating the chemical regulations in China, such as China New Chemical Substance Notification, China GHS, etc. REACH24H maintains close contact with SCIC and our cooperation is mainly focusing on joint workshop and providing its enrolled member companies the EU REACH registration service.

Chemical Industries Council of Malaysia
–Beginning in 2010, experts from REACH24H were invited successively to Malaysia by CICM. Collaboration between REACH24H and CICM were developing as joint workshops held each year since our inception in 2009. REACH24H was and is the exclusive regulatory service provider for many of these enrolled member companies under CICM.

Federation of the Indonesian Chemical Industry
–From 2012, REACH24H was invited to attend the workshop held by FIKI and to give presentations addressing its in-depth reading in chemical regulations such as EU REACH, China New Chemical Substance Notification and China GHS. We also held joint workshop to introduce the enrolled member companies the China chemical regulations, such as China Reach, China GHS, etc.

Personal Care Products Council (PCPC)

The Personal Care Products Council (PCPC) is one of the leading national trade associations in the U.S. representing more than 90 percent of the cosmetic and personal care products companies and serving as the voice on scientific, legal, regulatory, legislative and international issues.

PLASTICS Industry Association

The Plastics Industry Association (PLASTICS) is a purpose-driven trade association supporting the entire plastics supply chain which includes processors, machinery and equipment manufacturers and raw materials suppliers.

Society for Chemical Hazard Communication (SCHC)

The Society for Chemical Hazard Communication (SCHC) is a professional society committed to serving chemical hazard communication professionals and to promoting knowledge and awareness in all areas of chemical hazard communication. Areas covered include worker safety, domestic and international regulatory compliance, toxicology and other chemical and physical hazards, environmental toxicology, risk analysis, etc.

Regulatory Service Providers

— ChemADVISOR is a global provider of chemical health, safety and environmental regulatory support. Its LOLI Database serves as the recognized source of this information to support worldwide compliance efforts for thousands of their customers. In 2012, REACH24H signed agreement with ChemADVISOR forming a strategic partnership. In that year, senior regulatory expert from ChemADVISOR attended the REACH24H’s annual workshop and gave presentation illustrating the US TSCA regulation as well as introducing the company’s main product—the LOLI Database.

YGP: Young & Global Partners
— YGP is the foremost provider of country-specific and industry-specific EHS (environmental, health and safety) regulatory analysis. Its international reach and incomparable efforts of analysts and advisors make Young & Global Partners one of the most credible and valuable source for multinational companies, financial institutions, research centers and government agencies. In 2011, the YGP was invited to attend the workshop organized by REACH24H in Europe and gave presentation.

— Chemspec is the top brand under the UK-based Quartz Business Media who are a professional magazine publisher as well as business trade exhibition organizer specialized in the fine and sepciality market of Chemspec events. It has now three branches, Chemspec Europe of Munich, Germany, Chemspec India of Mumbai and Chemspec Asia of Bangkok, Thailand. In 2012, Chemspec sponsored REACH24H’s fourth annual workshop.

Japan Chemical Database Ltd
— JCDB is a leading chemical database supplier in Japan. It has been servicing the chemical industry for over 20 years to provide solutions on chemical management. On December 19, 2013, REACH24H announced a new partnership with Japan Chemical Database Ltd (also known as JCDB). The two parties will partner across the two main areas: JCDB will become the most important distributor of REACH24H’s services in Japan, and JCDB and REACH24H will work together to build more comprehensive databases for the Japanese clients.

EU SME Centre

The EU SME Centre is a European Union initiative that provides a comprehensive range of hands-on support services to European small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), getting them ready to do business in China. Since 2018 the EU SME Centre and REACH24H began cooperating, sharing knowledge through their platforms (including REACH24H’s ChemLinked portal) and supporting the 2018 Chemical Regulatory Annual Conference (CRAC).


UMCO GmbH has been offering compliance solutions for the distribution and handling of chemicals all over the world for over 35 years. Its customers benefit from a complete advising service for substances, plants, organization and transport of the highest quality. With 70 employees in Hamburg, Cologne and Rottweil look after 1,000 enterprises in the chemicals, pharmaceuticals, logistics and processing industries worldwide, REACH24H and UMCO have established a partnership to ensure timely reporting and up to date consulting services across EU and Asia Pacific.

Household & Commercial Products Association (HCPA formerly CSPA)
–The Household and Commercial Products Association (HCPA) is one the main trade associations representing chemical companies making products used for cleaning, protecting, maintaining, and disinfecting in homes and commercial environments. HCPA is based in Washington, D.C.

Council on Safe Transportation of Hazardous Articles (COSTHA)

The Council on Safe Transportation of Hazardous Articles, Inc. (COSTHA) is an industry association based in the United States devoted to the safe and efficient transportation of hazardous materials/dangerous goods. COSTHA’s membership consists of a large cross section of the hazardous materials/dangerous goods transportation industry including chemical, automobile, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, and fragrance manufacturers, as well as freight forwarders, shippers, and carriers by all modes.