Compare SDS writing norms under China GHS, EU CLP and US HCS

Aug. 30th, 2012

There are also slight differing points in certain sections so that each version may better integrate into each respective chemical management institution. For example, in the production information, SDS in EU areas requires that the REACH registration number shall be provided in a CLP-compliant SDS if available; for company information, CLP SDS demands contact information of the supplier(s) within the EU while Chinese SDS makes necessary a 24/7 emergency telephone;  as to the toxicological information, the US OSHA add thorough specifications that may link a potential carcinogen to its National Toxicology Program (NTP) Report on Carcinogens or International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) Monographs.

Most important, the second section about your hazard classification must be determined and provided according to relevant GHS standards of the corresponding country. In China, it is specified in the 26 GB standards (Safety rules for classification, precautionary labeling and precautionary statements of chemicals); in the EU areas, you shall adopt DSD/DPD classification or CLP classification or both, depending on your actual transitional period; in the US, the OSHA HCS standard is decisive.


China GHS (2006)

EU CLP (2011)

US HCS (2012)

SDS writing norm

Safety data sheet for chemical products – content and order of sections (GB/T 16483-2008)

《化学品安全技术说明书 内容和项目说明书(GB/T 16483-2008)》

REACH Annex II & Commission Regulation (EU) No 453/2010


OSHA HCS 29 CFR 1910.1200(2012)

美国职业安全和健康管理局最新修订的危害传递标准(HCS, 2012年)

So it’s a wise choice to have a careful study on pertinent SDS regulations or standards of your target market before cargo shipment is on the way and don’t forget – more often than not you need a localized SDS ready on hand for the destination Customs check.

The above excel is provided by REACH24H GHS team under the organization of Ms. Rita Qiu.

Rita Qiu, Deputy Manager of Regulatory Compliance Dept., REACH24H

  • MSc. of Pharmaceutical Science from Zhejiang University, China
  • Long term tracking study on UN GHS implementation in different countries
  • Profound expertise in EU CLP, US OSHA HCS and China GHS (including China hazardous chemicals and toxic chemicals) compliance