China Chemical Regulations Are Focused by East European and Russian Union Industry

Jun. 11th, 2012

Prague, 8th June 2012

Invited by the organizer Ecological Synthesizing Centre – East (ESC-V) of the conference “REACH: yesterday, today, tomorrow-REACH: yesterday, today, tomorrow.”, Deputy General Manager Mr. Nathan Chen from REACH24h addressed the topic “Practical aspects of fulfilling requirements of new chemical legislation in China for chemicals imported to China from other countries” for over 80 attendees from Russian Union and East European industry.
Arising Economic of China and its huge chemical market pain full attention of worldwide especially since the 2008 the financial crisis. The fast changing market also brings fast changing chemical regulation which impacted by European Regulation EC No.1906/2006-“REACH”.
Mr. Nathan Chen compared the updates of hazard chemical and new chemical regulation management method which in charged by SAWS and MEP during the seminar and give the clear notice that knowing China chemical regulation in the way of understanding the culture of China. The panel discussion also compared the differences of European, China and other region regulation by means of early stage, current stage and predicted the future possibility, and the practical experience of GPS (Global Product Stewardship) was shared by repressive from Industry.
Main chemical regulation stakeholder from Russia Chemists Union, BASF, Dow, ECHA, China SAWS, and REACH Centrum were joined the meeting and pointed their own points.

About REACH24H
REACH24H Group provides product stewardship & regulatory compliance service for global customers from its three offices – Ireland, Canada and China, assisting international companies to comply with global chemical regulations including the EU REACH, China new chemical substance notification, Global GHS, USA TSCA, etc. REACH24H in-house team consists of global-regulatory experts, toxicologists, environmental risk assessors, chemical engineers and IT software development engineers to provide cost-effective access to the marketplace for the clients. REACH24H Consulting Group is also the sub-company of Centre Testing International Corporation (CTI) , a publicly traded company on the Chinese Stock Exchange(300012.SZ). CTI is China’s leading product testing, inspection, certification, and consulting firm, providing comprehensive services for virtually all consumer products.

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