China Pilots Hazchem QR Code Program in Suzhou and More Cities

Aug. 12th, 2022

  • HazChem QR code will be mandatory in Suzhou by the end of October and special inspections will be carried out.
  • Zhejiang and Shandong will implement pilot programs in a targeted manner.

One Enterprise, One Chemical Product, and One QR Code

A quick response (QR) code is a type of barcode that stores information and can be read easily by a digital device; thus, it’s frequently used to track product information in the supply chain. To facilitate the information management of hazardous chemicals, China introduced the “One enterprise, one chemical product, and one QR code” principle in early 2021 as per the National Plan for Centralized Management of Safety Risks of Hazardous Chemicals. Following this principle, China launched the new Hazardous Chemical Registration Comprehensive Service System on February 16, 2022, to support the automatic generation of QR codes for registered hazardous chemicals (news).

hazchem qr code china

Guangdong Pilots the QR Code Program with Promising Results

Guangdong, as the first province to pilot the QR code program from June of 2021, has achieved promising resultsAs of August 30, 2021, 3,356 hazardous chemical enterprises in Guangdong province have finished the information supplementation*, of which 1,150 are manufacturers (their submitted information has been verified by the authority and meets the requirements), and a total of 1,190 hazardous chemical manufacturers and importers have generated the QR codes with a completion rate reaching 84.46% (statistics source see here). These generated QR codes were mandated to be displayed on labels, packaging, containers and vehicles before hazardous chemicals leave the factory or warehouse (click QR Codes to Become Mandatory for Hazchem Management in China in 2022 for details about how to display the Hazchem QR codes).

*To enable the smooth roll-out of the QR code program, information supplementation in the new Hazchem registration online system (piloted in Guangdong from July of 2021) is a necessary step, since the QR code cannot be generated if the registration information is incomplete. (China Plans to Apply Hazchem QR Codes Extensively

Suzhou to Pilot the QR Code Program

Building on the success of the pilot program introduced in Guangdong last year, Suzhou began piloting the use of QR code as per the newly published document – Notification on Promoting “One enterprise, one chemical product, and one QR code” Management for Hazardous Chemical Enterprises. It mainly outlines the following measures:

  • By the end of August 2022, spot checks shall be carried out in Suzhou on hazardous chemical enterprises that have registered their hazardous chemicals in the new Hazardous Chemical Registration Comprehensive Service System (spot-checking ratio: ≥15% at the city level, and ≥30% at the district and county level), verifying whether the submitted information (company information, SDS, label, etc.) meet the requirements.
  • By the end of October 2022, hazardous chemical enterprises in Suzhou should complete the information supplementation in the new Hazardous Chemical Registration Comprehensive Service System and display the generated QR codes on both the outer and inner packages of the corresponding hazardous chemicals. Besides, special inspections will also be carried out. Any hazardous chemicals without the certain QR code are prohibited to be transported or sold.
  • The local emergency management department in Suzhou will work with other government agencies to ensure the consistency of information conveyed through QR code and the e-waybill of the dangerous goods. If the information conveyed in the two ways is inconsistent, loading of the related dangerous goods is prohibited.

Zhejiang and Shandong to be Involved

According to an official from NRCC who wished to remain anonymous, new programs will be rolled out soon in Zhejiang and Shandong.


  • The pilot program will focus on ensuring the consistency of information conveyed through QR code and the e-waybill of the dangerous goods.


  • The pilot program will focus on the Hazchem identification and registration of chemical additives used by hazardous chemical enterprises, thereby pushing forward the promotion of “One enterprise, one chemical product, and one QR code” management.

The official documents for Zhejiang and Shandong’s pilot programs are expected to be issued soon, said the official. The authority hopes the expanded pilots will pave the way for universal implementation nationwide in the near future.

Reprinted from: ChemLinked

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If you have any questions regarding Hazchem QR code in China, please feel free to contact us.

Tel: +86 (0)571-87007555
