Food Contact Notification(FCN) News in October

Dec. 12th, 2017

According to FDA official website, 3 food contact notifications (FCN) have been approved by FDA in October, and their information is shown in the table below:


Effective Date

Name of The Substance

Intended Use


Enviro Tech Chemical Services, Inc.

Oct 4, 2017

An aqueous mixture of peroxyacetic acid (PAA) (CAS Reg. No. 79-21-0), hydrogen peroxide (HP) (CAS Reg. No. 7722-84-1), acetic acid (AA) (CAS Reg. No. 64-19-7), 1-hydroxyethylidine-1,1-diphosphonic acid (HEDP) (CAS Reg. No. 2809-21-4), and optionally sulfuric acid (SA) (CAS Reg. No. 7664-93-9).

As an antimicrobial agent in process water and ice used in poultry processing.

The components of the FCS mixture will not exceed 2000 ppm PAA, 770 ppm HP, and 100 ppm HEDP in process water applied as a spray, wash, rinse, dip, chiller water, low temperature (e.g., less than 40°F) immersion baths, or scald water for whole or cut poultry carcasses, parts, trim, and organs.

IET, Inc., DBA EcoloxTech

Oct 13, 2017

Hypochlorous acid (CAS Reg. No. 7790‐92‐3).

For single use as an antimicrobial agent in an aqueous solution in the production and preparation of whole or cut meat and poultry; processed and preformed meat and poultry; fish and seafood; fruits and vegetables; and shell eggs.

The concentration of available free chlorine will not exceed 60 ppm. The aqueous solution containing the FCS may be used in processing facilities as follows:

in process water or ice which comes into contact with food as a spray, wash, rinse, dip, chiller water, and scalding water for whole or cut meat and poultry, including carcasses, parts, trim, and organs;

in process water, ice, or brine used for washing, rinsing, or cooling of processed and pre-formed meat and poultry products as defined in 21 CFR 170.3(n)(29) and 21 CFR 170.3(n)(34), respectively;

in process water or ice for washing, rinsing or cooling fruits, vegetables, whole or cut fish and seafood; and

in process water for washing or rinsing shell eggs.

When used in water to process fruits, vegetables, ready-to-eat meats, and fish and seafood products intended to be consumed raw, the treatment will be followed by either a 10 minute drain step or a potable water rinse to remove, to the extent possible, residues of the FCS.

Eastman Chemical Company

Oct 31, 2017

1,6-Hexanediol (CAS Reg. No. 629-11-8).

The FCS is intended for use as a monomer in the manufacture of polyester or polyester/polyurethane resins for use as components of coatings for food-contact articles, except for use in contact with infant formula and human milk (see Limitations/ Specifications). The coatings may be applied to (1) metal substrates used in the manufacture of single-use food contact articles or components of such articles; and (2) any suitable substrate used in the manufacture of repeated use food-contact articles or components of such articles.

The FCS may be safely reacted with monomers listed in 21 CFR 175.300 (b) (3) (vii) (a, b, c, and d) and polybasic acids and their anhydrides, monobasic acids, polyhydric alcohols, and monohydric alcohols that are subject of an effective FCN for use as components of polyester coating resins. The polyester resin produced from the FCS may constitute up to 100% of the final food-contact coating formulation. The FCS may be used at a maximum level not to exceed 30 mol-% of the polyester resin. The FCS may be used at a maximum level not to exceed 13.1 % by weight of the final coating. Unless specified by a regulation or an effective FCN, coatings containing the FCS may contact all food types under Conditions of Use A through H, as described in Tables 1 and 2. The FCS will not be used in contact with infant formula or human milk. Such uses were not included as part of the intended use of the substance in the FCN.

REACH24H has rich experience in dealing with United States food contact materials (FDA /FCN / 21 CFR) and EU food contact materials (EU 10/2011/BfR) and can make custom-made compliance service for enterprises. If you have further questions, please consult +86 571-8196 9942 or send e-mail to