ECHA Adopted the CoRAP for 2015-2017 with 134 substances to be evaluated

Mar. 17th, 2015

On 17 Mar 2015, ECHA has adopted the final Community rolling action plan (CoRAP) for 2015-2017 with 134 substances to be evaluated (CoRAP 2015-2017 list). In the coming three years, 21 Member States will carry out substance evaluation for 66 newly selected substances and 68 substances from the previous CoRAP update.

From today, the Member States have one year to evaluate the 48 substances specified for 2015. Except the initial concerns on PBT2-properties, suspected endocrine disruption, or carcinogenic, mutagenic and/or reprotoxic properties in combination with wide dispersive use or consumer uses, any potential harm properties will be found or confirmed during the evaluation process. If necessary, Member States will require registrants to provide relevant further information to clarify the suspected risks related to the substances. ECHA will forward any draft decision to the registrants for comments without undue delay. Draft decisions will also be reviewed by the other Member States and ECHA. The registrants of substances listed on the CoRAP will have an opportunity to comment before any decision to request further information is taken.

Source: Evaluation kicks off for 48 substances in 2015