October 2022: Chemical Regulatory Updates in Asia-Pacific Region

Nov. 02nd, 2022

 This is a collection of regulatory updates in Asia-Pacific regions, including China REACHK-REACHJapan CSCLTCCSCA regulations, etc.


On October 3, 2022, the Department of Ecology and Environment of Zhejiang, China made public the Draft Work Plan for New Pollutants Treatment for comments due by October 30. In addition to Zhejiang, many other provincial administrative regions of China, such as Tianjin, Sichuan, Hainan, etc., have released their own draft work plans to push forward the management for new pollutants based on the Action Plan for New Pollutants Treatment and local situations. ChemLinked has made a table to illustrate the provinces that have published the corresponding draft local plans and their main points. (Read more)

More regulation highlights in China:


In October 2022, the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI) updated its comprehensive guidance on labelling and SDS preparation under the PRTR Law. The guidance (100+ pages) contains a package of information and materials comprising introductions to the target chemicals/products, affected enterprises, SDS delivery methods and SDS/label elements, etc., a guide on the preparation of SDS and labels, and tools and FAQs regarding the PRTR law requirements. The guidance also provides the details of the other two Japanese laws (ISHL and PDSCL) that set rules for SDSs and labels. (Read more)

More regulation highlights in Japan:

🇰🇷South Korea

On October 6, 2022, South Korea’s National Institute of Environment Research (NIER) issued two notifications to make public the updated Toxic Chemical Substances List and GHS Classification List. 12 substances have been newly added as toxic chemicals as they are found toxic after hazard evaluation under K-REACH. Enterprises handling these substances and mixtures shall submit the \”Written Confirmation of Verification on Chemical Products\” and update the labels to reflect their toxicity before July 1, 2023. (Read more)

More regulation highlights in South Korea:

[Read more regulatory updates in Asia-Pacific regions at ChemLinked]

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