China’s Taiwan Region to Prohibit Import of Products Containing Asbestos

Oct. 21st, 2022

On October 4, 2022, the EPA of China’s Taiwan region issued a notice to prohibit the import of products containing asbestos from May 1, 2023. Violations will be fined between NT$ 60,000 and NT$ 300,000.

EPA designated asbestos as a Class 2 toxic chemical substance under the Toxic and Concerned Chemical Substances Control Act (a.k.a. TCCSCA) on May 1, 1989, and phased in restrictions on the use of asbestos in the following years. From January 1, 2018, all uses of asbestos have been prohibited in Taiwan, China, except for R&D, testing and education applications.

The import prohibition will cover all types of asbestos-containing products. There are six recognized types of asbestos, including:

  • Crocidolite;
  • Amosite;
  • Anthophyllite;
  • Actinolite;
  • Tremolite; and
  • Chrysotile.

What is Asbestos?

Asbestos, a natural mineral and a carcinogen, is very fibrous and insoluble in water. Its tiny fibres are easily breathed in where they can become trapped in the lungs. The asbestos ban and the gradual phase-out have become an international trend.

[Reprinted from ChemLinked]

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If you have any questions regarding the Toxic and Concerned Chemical Substances Control Act (TCCSCA), please contact us.

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