REACH24H Attends 2012 InaChem in Indonesia

Jul. 13th, 2012

July 11-13, 2012, REACH24H attended the 2nd annual InaChem, Indonesia’s largest chemical B2B exposition. The event was jointly hosted by Indonesian Institute of Chemical Engineers (BKK-PII),  Federation of Indonesia Chemical Industry (FIKI), and Association of Indonesia Chemical Engineering Faculty (APTEKINDO) with support of Ministry of Industry, at Jakarta Convention Center, Indonesia.

InaChem is Indonesia’s largest international  trade fair and conference of chemical, petrochemical, fine & specialty chemical. Following the first session in last year, InaChem 2012 has attracted over 250 exhibitors from various business and professional activities home and abroad, e.g. chemical engineers from industry and academia, chief executives of the chemical plants (Petrochemicals, Oil and Gas, Fertilizers, oleo-chemicals, agro-chemicals etc.), research institutions, etc.
The general program mainly includes a keynote speech made by Mr. M. S. Hidayat from the Ministry of Industry, division of government policy and regulation for investment of chemical industry in Indonesia. 8 panel discussions are focused on different topics: Investment Climate, Marketing of Chemical Product, Resources, Technology & Infrastructure, New Development Opportunity, Chemical Safety Management and Risk Assessment, Practical Experience in Business, Practical Experience in Operation and Global supporting Industry.

InaChem not only offered an opportunity for business entities engaged in chemical to capture the commercial trends of chemical products,  but also built a platform for chemical enterprises to consult chemical regulatory affairs and updates.

As a regulatory consulting group, REACH24H took part in the panel discussion and gave an overview of EU REACH, China REACH, Global GHS (SDS and Labels) and corresponding regulation compliance services.

Through analysis of chemical industry conditions in Indonesia and exploration of the customers’ demand, REACH24H reminds our clients  of the following issues:

1) Under EU REACH, companies involved in exportation or placing a substance on the EU market in quantities between 100-1000 tons per year are obliged to appoint a Lead Representative (LR) to fulfill the registration with ECHA  before 2013-05-31.

2) Please keep informed that China’s Measures for the Environmental Management of New Chemical Substances (MEP Order 7), also known as China New Chemical Substance Notification, has entered into force as of  October 15, 2010. It requires exporters to appoint a Chinese based representative agent to notify substances excluded from the Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances in China (IECSC) with the CRC-MEP.

3) In term of expertise in GHS, REACH24H here welcomes your consultation and is delighted to help you keep abreast of regulation updates and fulfill SDS and Label compliance.

In the upcoming September, REACH24H will host a summit together with FIKI in Indonesia focusing on solutions on EU REACH, China REACH, GHS, which must be very informative and practical for chemical enterprises to take the initiative and seize business opportunities in the global market.