China Kicks off the 7th Round of Volume-based Procurement (VBP) of Drugs

Jun. 27th, 2022

On June 20, China National Joint Drug Procurement Office announced the start of the 7th round of volume-based procurement (VBP), covering 59 drugs with different active pharmaceutical ingredients. Companies qualified to supply the drugs are required to submit tenders on July 12.

Procurement Volume, Term, and Price Limit

The office also released each drug’s total procurement volume, the percentage of procurement volume, and the price limit.

For most chemical drugs, the procurement rules are as follows:

Number of bid winners Procurement Volume of the 1st Year / the Total Agreed Procurement Volume * 100% Procurement Term
1 50% 1 year
2 60% 1 year
3 70% 2 years
≥ 4 80% 3 years

For example, Afatinib Tablets (30mg)’s tender price limit is required to be no higher than 112.3267 yuan. The drug’s total procurement volume of the first year in the procurement term is 596,327 tablets. If there is only one successful bidder for the drug, 50% of the total volume, that is, 298,170 tablets will be purchased from the winner company. If there are two bid winners, 60% of the total volume—357,795 tablets—will be supplied by the two winner companies together.

For special antibiotic or antifungal drugs, please read the full content.

Reference Links

China Announces Final Result of the 7th Volume-based Procurement (VBP) for Drugs

327 Drug Products to Enter China’s 7th Round of Volume-based Procurement (VBP)

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