REACH24H Attends and Presents at GlobalChem 2018 as Sponsor and Exhibitor

Mar. 07th, 2018

GlobalChem 2018 successfully concludes in Washington DC., marked by a presentation by Mr. Robert Kiefer, manager of REACH24H USA.

On 28th Feb, the first day of GlobalChem, in the Fundamentals Workshop, Mr. Robert Kiefer, Manager of REACH24H USA delivered a presentation on the topic “China’s New Chemical Substance Notification Updates & Revision to Taiwan TCSCA Regulations”. In the first part of his presentation, he addressed the New Chemical Substance Notification system currently in effect in China. He specifically highlighted the latest amendments on data requirements in China’s New Chemical Substance Notification Guidance. Following this topic, Mr.Kiefer moved on to introduce the new working plan to revise MEP Order No. 7 which took effect in 2017. The purpose of this plan is to improve the environmental management system for new chemicals to prevent and control risks presented by new chemicals while still promoting green industries. Here are the key thoughts and considerations going into the revision:

  • Highlight and further focus on PBT substances and environmental emission data;
  • Adjust the classified management categories to the following 3 types – Concern, Restriction, Ban;
  • Optimize & simplify the notification type and procedures;
  • Authorize internal technical review to SCC-MEP (rather than part-time expert review teams);
  • Increase the responsibilities of the industry, strengthen checking and investigation of notification, impose severe penalties to violators;

Also, Mr.Kiefer linked the amendments to the management of existing chemicals and reviewed the overall chemical regulations and updates in 2017 in China.

In the second part of the presentation, Mr.Kiefer reviewed the implementation and revision of Taiwan’s chemical management scheme under TCSCA/OSHA, followed by an introduction to the registration of Priority Existing Chemicals (PETs). Finally, he introduced the draft version of TCSCA which was issued in April 2017.

Throughout the event, REACH24H experienced consultants also met with partners, attendees and fellow professionals to exchange views and answer questions on the latest developments in the industry.