Biocidal Products Directive (BPD)

Mar. 16th, 2011


A biocidal product is any substance which is used to control or kill harmful organisms, such as bacteria, fungi, moulds and yeasts. Sterilisers and disinfectants are good examples of a biocidal product.


Directive 98/8/EC (the Biocides Directive) requires the authorisation of a wide range of biocide products currently not requiring authorisation (including disinfectants, preservatives and a number of other specialist products) as well as non-agricultural pesticides. (i.e., wood preservatives, public hygiene insecticides, rodenticides, surface biocides and antifouling paints). Only biocidal products which contain an active substance which is listed on Annex I of the Directive will be authorised for use.


Existing and new active substances have to be evaluated to ascertain whether or not they can be included on the Annex I list.


Our Services


  • Regulatory Consultancy
  • Dossiers preparation for the registration of biocidal substances as prescribed in the Directive both new & old
  • Evaluation of existing data and the compilation of a dossier and evaluation of data sets
  • Design test protocols cost effectively and testing as per Directive guidelines
  • Project management for test programmes and liaison between authorities and clients
  • Toxicological evaluation support